Consistency is key: Eating regular meals supports physical & mental health

No one likes you when you’re hangry.

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's not uncommon for women to find themselves skipping meals or relying on quick snacks to get through the day. It’s easy to forget to eat, right?

As a Nutritionist, business owner and mum of two energetic little girls, I understand that sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in a day. But that’s no excuse for under eating. Eating regularly is crucial for health, both physically and mentally! Let’s take a look at how eating regularly benefits our body:

Balancing Blood Sugar Levels: One of the key reasons why regular meals are essential is the impact they have on blood sugar levels. Skipping meals can lead to spikes and crashes in blood sugar, leaving you feeling fatigued, irritable, and craving sugar. By eating regularly, you maintain stable blood sugar levels, providing a consistent and sustainable source of energy throughout the day. No one wants to be around us when we are hangry, and research shows that our ability to focus on a task decreases when we skip meals. 

Metabolism Boost: Believe it or not, regular meals can actually boost your metabolism. When you eat, your body works to digest and absorb nutrients, burning calories in the process. By spacing your meals evenly throughout the day, you keep your metabolism active and efficient.

Sustained Energy for Women on the Go: Women often wear multiple hats – professionals, mothers, caregivers – and the demands of daily life can be exhausting. Regular meals provide the sustained energy needed to tackle each role effectively. Think of your meals as fueling stations, ensuring you have the energy reserves to power through your busy day.

Hormonal Harmony: For women, hormonal balance is crucial for overall wellbeing. Regular meals play a significant role in maintaining this balance. Fluctuations in blood sugar levels can impact hormones like insulin and cortisol, potentially affecting menstrual cycles, mood, and even skin health. Consistent, balanced meals contribute to hormonal harmony.

Mindful Eating for Emotional Wellness: Eating regularly also provides an opportunity for mindful nourishment. Taking the time to enjoy balanced, wholesome meals can be a form of self-care, contributing to emotional wellbeing. It's a chance to step away from the chaos, savour your food, and reconnect with your body's needs.

If you struggle to make time to eat, it’s important to think about the ‘why’. Why are you not prioritising yourself? What are your obstacles?

Here are my practical tips to help you overcome these challenges:

  1. Schedule Your Meals: Plan your meals in advance and set specific times for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Treat your mealtime as non-negotiable appointments. This helps create a routine and ensures you prioritize eating amidst a busy schedule.

  2. Snack Smart: Keep healthy snacks on hand that are high in protein and/or healthy fats, such as nuts, protein balls, nut bars, boiled eggs, tuna etc. When you're unable to have a full meal, these snacks can provide a quick energy boost and keep you from going too long without eating.

  3. Prep Ahead:Prepare meals and snacks in advance. This could involve batch cooking on weekends or simply chopping veggies and fruits for easy access during the week. Having pre-prepared options makes it more likely that you'll eat, rather than skipping meals or opting for a coffee instead.

  4. Variety Helps: Avoid getting stuck in a food rut. Incorporate a variety of foods into your meals to keep things interesting. Trying new recipes or cuisines can make eating regularly more enjoyable.

  5. Listen to Your Body: Understand your body's signals and needs. If you're genuinely not hungry during a designated mealtime, don't force yourself to eat. However, ensure that you don't skip meals out of habit or convenience.

  6. Identify and Address Barriers: As I mentioned above, it’s important to reflect on any specific barriers preventing you from eating regularly. It could be work commitments, lack of time, or emotional factors. Once identified, brainstorm solutions to address these obstacles.​

  7. Seek Professional Guidance: Sometimes preparing meals everyday for our family and ourselves can be overwhelming. I get it, decision fatigue is totally a thing when it comes to food preparation. That’s where I come in. I create personalized plans to suit families or individuals and help you overcome barriers to regular eating. Tailored advice can be incredibly beneficial, and don’t worry there is no judgement here! ​

Remember, consistency is key. Making small, sustainable changes over time can lead to significant improvements in eating habits and overall wellbeing.


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